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The website's purpose is to provide you with all of the information you'll need to choose a product that matches your needs, not to rely on it exclusively. Always verify the suitability and appropriateness of any product or service that interests you before making a purchase or signing up for anything new.
We cannot always give comprehensive details on our website of products and their Terms And Conditions. We will do our best to provide you with important information and descriptions, but you should read the Terms and Conditions of any product or service on its website before making a purchase.
While we do our best to keep this site available at all times, we can't promise continuous access. We have the right to take down our sites without notice or restrict access to their specific parts. is a free and open site for everyone. This is a user agreement that you must accept to use this site. We disclaim all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage you may suffer due to using the site. You agree to indemnify us immediately against all costs, claims, liability, actions, expenses, and losses (including legal fees) incurred due to your usage of our website or the violation of these terms and conditions.
We make no representation or warranty that the rates and information shown on our website are correct. We disclaim all responsibility for any damage caused by anything posted on this website.
We are not involved in the transaction or delivery process for any items advertised on this website; any contracts entered into will be with the firm that sold you the service. We will always do our best to help people encountering issues, but if you have a problem with a product, you must contact the service provider directly.
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